- Introduce your topic and discuss its importance.
My topic will be about animal cruelty in Japan towards dolphins. Japan is on of the countries that has the biggest fisheries of dolphins in the world. As we have been reading through Schlosser and Peter Singer books about animal cruelty is one of the main points we are discussing. However, I want to get a little deeper, since animal cruelty does not only happen in slaughter houses but also at other counries and are killing this beautiful and smart mammals in order to make profits. This topic is very important since these animals are suffering and we should do something about it. For my point of view I think animals are living beings and by that reason we should take care of them and by that we taking care of nature because we all belong to the ecosystem and all living beings including us have a duty to make. Everything in this life has a "butterfly effect" by that I mean everything you do we have a effect towards another thing until it becomes something big and we can't stop it.
- Introduce your questions and working thesis.
The questions I will use are, Why Japan is one of the countries that fishes most of the dolphins?, How many other countries fish dolphins? In what way and why?, How many dolphins are killed in day in Japan?, What part of Japan they do this fishery?, What methods of animal cruelty they do?, What countries get the dolphin meat?, What else they do to dolphins if they are not killed for food?, How does affect us at the end?, In what year will dolphins get extinct?, How the rate of killing dolphins got higher during the years? Which solutions has been involved and why the have failed? My thesis is we need to start making a change in our way of living and learning more what's around us, because most of the people might care about this issue but they don't do nothing about it and in order to have a change we should begin to be he change.
- Discuss specific tools and sources that you will be using to conduct your research.
I will use many sources as I can but one of the websites that I will go will peta.com. This an organization against animal cruelty and that will help me a lot about my research. Also I will go to the librry website and look at the databases my key words will be Fisheries in Japan, Japan and dolphins, Dolphins and fisheries, Statistics of dolphins killed in Japan etc. Also, I will watch the documentary "The Cove" because that will help me a lot for my research.